Today is Tuesday, 11-4-08. We leave for Ethiopia on Thursday, 11-6-08. Tommy and I are both so excited. The group from our church has such unity that only God could have built. Our weekly prayer meetings have been so wonderfully encouraging and faith building. There is no doubt that God has put this team together and has provided for the financial needs as well as preparing the way before us. Each one of us gave our testimony this past Sunday at Church. If you would like to hear them go to and you can listen to them. This is our Church web site. After we leave, the pastor is going to post a website that anyone can go to to get updates on us in Ethiopia. I don't know how often we will be at computers, but our team leader will be updating info as possible. Each day we will be going to another Orphanage in the outlying towns around Addis Abba, which is the capital city.
At the Orphanages we will be doing VBS and fitting the children with shoes. This trip is called "Shoes for Orphan Souls". The shoes have already been shipped there and are awaiting our arrival to fit them to the children. They have us really busy from sun up till sun down. The only real break we will get is on the day we begin our flights home. Please pray for us. Especially that we are bold in telling them about our Lord and Savior. Secondly, that we show compassion and love to these people as Jesus would have. Thirdly, that in all we do the Lord be glorified. Fourthly, that we be very discerning in listening to the lead of the Lord. Lastly, for our safety.
There will be no updates on Mom till I get home and have a chance to see her. She was doing great last Friday when I went. They had asked me if I thought she would wear a cow suit for Halloween. I said no. As in the past she didn't talk much, just grabbed my hand to hold. I told her that Jr. would be checking in on her while I was gone. Her comment was, "Does he listen to you when you tell him to come see me?". I told her No! So we will see what happens. He does go see her, but she never remembers it. When he asks her about me coming, she doesn't remember that either. She hates the fact that she can't remember anything anymore.
There will be lots to post when I get home on the 16th so check the blog after that date. Love, Peggy