Leo Jr. & I moved mama to the Crosbyton Nursing Home yesterday evening. She was pretty confused about why we were taking her somewhere and leaving her there. We explained several times. By the time we left, she said she would be OK. I said I'd come back tomorrow and she said that I better.
Today, Friday 10-3-08, when I went to see mama she could not remember anything about last night, so she guessed it was good. The nurse on duty said she was up 3 or 4 times in the night wandering around. She seemed happy to see me and wanted to know how I knew where she was. I explained to her that I had brought her the day before. I stayed and visited for about an hour and a half and said my goodbyes. She followed me out front to sit in the rocking chair. That is where one of the pictures was taken. About an hour later I got a phone call from the nurse saying that mom was OK, but, she had left and was not to be found for about 20 minutes. They finally found her about a block from the Home with a bruise on her temple and a few scratches. Nothing seems to be wrong with her except the bruise, so maybe she had fallen but was OK. All vitals were good and she couldn't remember anything except that she was going home. They immediately put a wander guard on her so that will not happen again. The door locks down when she gets close to it. We had one on at the Spur Nursing Home, so this never happened there. The Crosbyton Home is bigger than Spur and nicer. There are a lot more patients and things going on all the time. I feel better about mama after today, even though she escaped and fell. there is a back patio that has an awning with tables and chairs and she really likes going out there. We swatted flies out there this afternoon. The picture of the 2 dogs are frequent visitors to the Home. Mama liked them but kept wanting to let them out the front door. She just doesn't think dogs should be inside.
Thank you for sending your blog, I didn't know you had one. I enjoyed the pictures and how Frances is doing.
Love, Saundra
I love your blogs.
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